Stock Code: 03889.HK
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Corporate Overview
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Executive Directors
Mr. Wang Tieguang
Mr. Kong Zhanpeng
Mr. Li Fangcheng
Non-executive Director
Mr. Tai Shubin
Independent non-executive Directors
Ms. Liu Ying
Ms. Li Guichen
Mr. Lo Kwing Yu
Senior Management
Mr. Wang Hui
Mr. Sui Yaoxian
Mr. He Xiaoming


Executive Directors

Mr. Wang Tieguang

Mr. Wang Tieguang is an executive Director of the Company and the joint chairman of the Board. Mr. Wang has over 30 years of extensive experience in sales and marketing. Mr. Wang holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Heilongjiang University. Mr. Wang was an executive director of GBT, a company listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Stock Code: 00809) from September 2000 to September 2010.

Mr. Kong Zhanpeng

Mr. Kong Zhanpeng is an executive Director of the Company and the joint chairman of the Board. Mr. Kong has over 30 years of extensive experience in industrial industry, corporate development and management. Mr. Kong holds a bachelor’s degree in textile engineering and a diploma in international trade from China Textile University (currently known as Donghua University). Mr. Kong is one of the founders of GBT. Mr. Kong was an executive director of GBT from May 2000 to September 2007 and from December 2013 to May 2014, the chief executive officer of GBT from October 2015 to October 2018 and the chief economist of GBT from December 2018 to December 2019. Mr. Kong was also an executive Director from June 2006 to December 2018. Mr. Kong has been appointed as an independent non-executive director of JX Energy Ltd., a company incorporated in Alberta with limited liability and the shares of which are listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 03395), since 1 August 2023.

Mr. Li Fangcheng

Mr. Li Fangcheng is an executive Director of the Company. Mr. Li graduated from the applied technology college of Jilin University in July 2011, majoring in sales and marketing. Mr. Li has over 12 years of experience in diversified industry development and innovation management. Mr. Li has been working at 吉林省華生交電集團有限公司 (Jilin Province Huasheng Jiaodian Group Company Limited*) as the vice chairman since October 2011. Concurrently, since January 2018 and November 2023, respectively, Mr. Li has also been serving as the deputy general manager of 吉林省華生商貿有限公司 (Jilin Province Huasheng Trading Company Limited*) and the director of Hong Kong Huasheng Company Limited.

Non-executive Director

Mr. Tai Shubin

Mr. Tai Shubin is a non-executive Director of the Company. Mr. Tai graduated from 吉林工商學院 (Jilin Business and Technology College*) (formerly known as 吉林糧食高等專科學校 (Jilin Grain College*)) in July 2004 majoring in financial management. In December 2014, he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in social work and management from Jilin University. Mr. Tai qualified as a senior management accountant (高級管理會計師) in the People’s Republic of China in October 2020 and an International Certified Public Accountant of 中國企業財務管理協會 (Enterprise Financial Management Association of China) in September 2021. Mr. Tai has over 18 years of experience in accounting and financial management and served in various capacities in different state-owned enterprises in Jilin Province’s agricultural sector, including 吉林吉糧平安米業有限公司 (Jilin Jiliang Ping’an Rice Industry Co., Ltd.*), 吉林糧食資產管理有限公司 (Jilin Grain Asset Management Co., Ltd.*) and 吉林省農業投資集團有限公 司 (Jilin Agricultural Investment Group Co., Ltd.) (“Nongtou”), a substantial shareholder of the Company. Mr. Tai has been a director of Nongtou from August 2016 to February 2022. Mr. Tai was also the financial controller for mainland China region of Global Bio-chem Technology Group Company Limited (Stock Code: 00809), a company listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and a substantial shareholder of the Company, between July 2018 and October 2022 and has been promoted to the deputy general manager for mainland China region of GBT in October 2022.

Independent non-executive Directors

Ms. Liu Ying

Ms. Liu Ying is an independent non-executive Director. Ms. Liu graduated from the Peking University Law School with a master’s degree in law in July 2008. Ms. Liu is currently a practising lawyer in the PRC. Ms. Liu joined 吉林關東律師事務所 (Jilin Guandong Law Firm*) as a lawyer in February 2010, and subsequently served as a senior partner at 北京東易(長春)律師事務所 (Beijing Dongyi (Changchun) Law Firm*) from February 2012 to March 2016. Since March 2016, Ms. Liu has been serving as the senior partner of 北京大成 (長春)律師事務所 (Beijing Dacheng Law Offices, LLP (Changchun)*).

Ms. Li Guichen

Ms. Li Guichen is an independent non-executive Director. Ms. Li obtained a bachelor’s degree from the Department of Computer Science of Jilin University in July 2003. Ms. Li is currently a member of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Ms. Li joined Changchun Municipal Construction (Group) Co., Ltd as an accountant in November 1995, and subsequently worked as the head of audit department at 北京中瑞誠會計師事務所吉林分所 (Jilin Branch of Beijing Horizon Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd*) from September 2005 to September 2009. Following that, Ms. Li consecutively served as the financial controller of two private companies in the PRC from September 2009 to September 2019. Since September 2019, Ms. Li has been serving at 吉林嘉泰會計師事務所 (Jilin Jiatai Accounting Firm*) as deputy general manager.

Mr. Lo Kwing Yu

Mr. Lo Kwing Yu is an independent non-executive Director. Mr. Lo holds a Bachelor's degree in law and economics from the University of Keele, United Kingdom. Mr. Lo is a solicitor and has been in private practice in Hong Kong since 1995. He was first admitted as a solicitor in England and Wales and then admitted as solicitor of the Supreme Court of Hong Kong and of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court in the Territory in the Virgin Islands. Mr. Lo is a consultant of Messrs. Ho and Ip.

Senior Management

Mr. Wang Hui

Mr. Wang Hui is chief executive officer of the Company. Mr. Wang obtained a bachelor’s degree in polymer materials engineering from the Qiqihar University in July 1988. From July 1988 to August 1996, Mr. Wang worked at 黃龍食品工業技術開發有限公司 (Huanglong Food Industry Technology Development Co., Ltd.*) and then joined various subsidiaries of Global Bio-chem Technology Group Company Limited, the then holding group of the Company, from August 1996 to August 2008 as general managers. Mr. Wang then worked at 天成玉米開發有限公司 (Tiancheng Corn Development Co., Ltd.*) as a general manager from August 2008 to February 2024. Mr. Wang has over 35 years of experience in management and production in the corn refinery industry. Mr. Wang is also a certified senior engineer in the PRC.

Mr. Sui Yaoxian

Mr. Sui Yaoxian is deputy chief executive officer of the Company. Mr. Sui graduated from Tongji University with a bachelor’s degree in law in January 2008. Mr. Sui attained a master’s degree in business and administration from Concordia University Wisconsin in June 2013. Mr. Sui joined the Group in May 2009 and served as deputy general manager and general manager in the Group’s Shanghai sites from 2009 to 2014. Afterwards, Mr. Sui joined various sweeteners-related enterprises in the PRC as general managers and rejoined the Group as general manager of the Group’s Shanghai production site since July 2023. Mr. Sui has over 30 years of experience in management and production in the sweeteners industry.

Mr. He Xiaoming

Mr. He Xiaoming is the deputy general manager and financial controller of the Group’s Shanghai production sites. Mr. He attained a Bachelor’s degree with honours in accountancy from Jiangxi University of Technology in 2016. He joined the Group in December 2000 and served as accounting supervisor in Shanghai Haocheng Food Development Company Limited. Mr. He has over 27 years of experience in finance and accounting.

* For identification purposes only